The Deltona Fire Department operates in the largest city within Volusia County, with an estimated population of 109,000 residents. Currently, we operate out of five stations and have 84 front-line personnel.

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Thankful to have dedicated women serving our community every day. Your strength, courage, and commitment make a difference!

#internationalwomensday #IAFF
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Thankful to have dedicated women serving our community every day. Your strength, courage, and commitment make a difference!

#InternationalWomensDay #iaffImage attachmentImage attachment+1Image attachment

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The best out there ! 🔥

Photos from South Florida Emergency Vehicles's post ... See MoreSee Less

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When is the delivery date? I'd love to be there to capture this.


Our very own #HometownHero Engineer/Paramedic Griff! Thank you Orlando Utilities Commission UCF Men's Basketball 🌴 for the recognition 🚒🔥 ... See MoreSee Less

Our very own #hometownhero Engineer/Paramedic Griff! Thank you @oucreliableone @ucf.mbb for the recognition 🚒🔥

Honoring a Hero in Our Community 🪖🎖️🇺🇸

During a recent call, our crew had the privilege of meeting Robert, a 98 year old World War II Navy veteran whose courage and service to our country left a lasting impression on us all.

To show our gratitude, we returned with our Military Appreciation Fire Engine to present Robert with a Military Appreciation Challenge Coin and a t-shirt as a small token of our respect and thanks. It was an honor to recognize someone who has given so much for our nation.

As firefighters, we deeply value service, sacrifice, and community, and meeting Robert was a humbling reminder of the incredible individuals among us. Thank you, Robert, for your bravery and dedication—you are an inspiration to us all.

🇺🇸 #WWIIHero #militaryappreciation #thankyouforyourservice
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Honoring a Hero in Our Community 🪖🎖️🇺🇸

During a recent call, our crew had the privilege of meeting Robert, a 98 year old World War II Navy veteran whose courage and service to our country left a lasting impression on us all.

To show our gratitude, we returned with our Military Appreciation Fire Engine to present Robert with a Military Appreciation Challenge Coin and a t-shirt as a small token of our respect and thanks. It was an honor to recognize someone who has given so much for our nation.

As firefighters, we deeply value service, sacrifice, and community, and meeting Robert was a humbling reminder of the incredible individuals among us. Thank you, Robert, for your bravery and dedication—you are an inspiration to us all.

🇺🇸 #WWIIHero #MilitaryAppreciation #ThankYouForYourServiceImage attachment

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Great job folks! Appreciate your efforts.

Love this

WTG! Thank you for honoring this hero!

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Congratulations to Division Chief Sabia on 25 incredible years of dedicated service to the City of Deltona! Today marks Chief Sabia’s final shift on E61, the very engine where his career began. Fittingly, E61 was first due on a commercial structure fire this morning, and Chief Sabia, alongside Firefighter Brown, made a quick and effective stop.

Thank you, Chief Sabia, for your leadership, commitment, and service to our community. Wishing you all the best in this next chapter!
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Congratulations to Division Chief Sabia on 25 incredible years of dedicated service to the City of Deltona! Today marks Chief Sabia’s final shift on E61, the very engine where his career began. Fittingly, E61 was first due on a commercial structure fire this morning, and Chief Sabia, alongside Firefighter Brown, made a quick and effective stop.

Thank you, Chief Sabia, for your leadership, commitment, and service to our community. Wishing you all the best in this next chapter!Image attachmentImage attachment+1Image attachment

74 CommentsComment on Facebook

Thank you sir for taking care of your Deltonians! Well deserved retirement

Congratulations on your retirement. Thank you for your dedication and dedication to our community.

Congratulations and thank you for keeping our community safe!

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The IAFF Center of Excellence for Behavioral Health Treatment and Recovery is a one-of-a-kind addiction treatment facility specializing in PTSD for IAFF members – and IAFF members only – who are struggling with addiction, PTSD other related behavioral health challenges to receive the help they need in taking the first steps toward recovery. It is a safe haven for members to talk with other members who have faced or overcome similar challenges.

We are also pleased to announce the newly formed Deltona Fire Fighters Foundation. This is a Not For Profit 501(c) that has been developed to not only assist our firefighters in a time of need, but to work closely with various charities and civic organizations within our community. For further information regarding the Foundation please contact the Foundation’s Chair Anson Chucci through the Deltona Fire Fighters Foundation web site at